
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Fiocruz supports families in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul


The Global Health Network


Fiocruz, through its Fundraising Office, is joining forces with companies and civil society to support families victims of heavy rains in Rio Grande do Sul, a Brazilian state. First, the solidarity network will offer humanitarian aid, with the delivery of water, hygiene kits and other necessary supplies. 

Donations will be directed to active social organizations and Foundation partners in the state. To make your donation, access the website (in Portuguese). Companies wishing to contribute should write to

All resources obtained will be managed in an exclusive Fiocruz emergency fund account, fully directed to victims of the strong floods in Rio Grande do Sul. At the end of the campaign, the amounts received, and their respective applications will be published at

The Foundation installed, on Monday (5/6), an internal situation room to support the actions of the Emergency Operations Centre (COE) of the Ministry of Health in Brazil related to the disaster affecting the South region. The idea is to contribute to emergency and structuring actions in the field of health, based on the institution's accumulated experience in dealing with emergencies and disasters.

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